Vergewaltigung? Gefährliche Körperverletzung? Ach so, weiblicher Täter? Na dann natürlich keine Haft

Vergewaltigung? Gefährliche Körperverletzung? Ach so, weiblicher Täter? Na dann natürlich keine Haft

Das männerpolitische Blog Toy Soldiers kommentiert einen Fall von Vergewaltigung:

In her fourth arrest this month, Megan Davis Hoelting, 31, was charged with burglary with the intent of sexual offense Tuesday.

Hoelting told police that, in just a nightgown, she snuck into her husband’s friend’s bedroom while he was sleeping Monday night, according to a felony criminal complaint obtained by The Smoking Gun.

Hoelting said she took off her nightgown and, in just underwear, got into the man’s bed. She said she wrapped her legs around the man’s waist and kissed him, according to the complaint.

The man said he woke up to find someone on top of him, "fondling his genitals" and "attempting to perform fellatio upon him," according to the complaint.

Die Täterin wurde trotz dieses ausführlichen Geständnisses von der Jury wegen Mangels an Beweisen freigesprochen.

Der Verfasser von "Toy Soldiers" kommentiert:

Imagine if the roles were reversed. Imagine if a man sneaked into his wife’s friend’s home, stripped down to his underwear, and performed oral sex on her. Imagine if prosecutors decided to dismiss a felony charge against the man. Imagine if the grand jury decided not to indict despite having the man’s confession.

While there have been many improvements in recent years in the handling of female sex offenders, there are still plenty of instances of poor judgment. I dislike terms like “female privilege” and “the pussy pass,” yet I can think of no better words to describe this situation. She confesses, yet still faces no punishment. It appears this woman walked solely because she is a woman.

Die Täterin war in dem Monat vor der Vergewaltigung schon dreimal festgenommen worden, saß aber selbstverständlich für keinen dieser Fälle in Haft.

Ähnlich hart greifen Gerichte gegen Frauen durch, die sich eine Körperverletzung zuschulden haben kommen lassen. Die Daily Mail berichtet:

A law student who clubbed an aspiring male model with a champagne bottle because he was making 'unwanted advances' has been spared jail.

Sarah McKenzie-Ayres was pictured laughing as she walked free from court after being handed a suspended sentence for striking the man in a Manchester nightclub last September.

The 19-year-old victim, who has not been named, has been left with permanent scarring that has forced him to abandon his dreams of becoming a professional model.

McKenzie-Ayres, 19, was spared jail for GBH after telling Manchester Crown Court that she believed the victim was 'making unwelcome advances'.

Neil Beckwith, prosecuting, said the victim was standing with friends in Venus nightclub in Manchester when McKenzie-Ayres accused him of bumping into her friend.

When the victim disagreed, McKenzie-Ayres ordered him to move before pushing him and grabbing the champagne bottle from his friends' table.

She then pushed him backwards and swung the champagne bottle into his face ‘like a club’.

Mr Beckwith said: 'He had a glimpse of her with the bottle of champagne in her right hand, raised overhead, and she then struck him to the forehead.

'He noticed immediately blood was pouring down his face, raised his hand, felt what he believed to be bone.'

Nightclub staff stopped McKenzie-Ayres as she tried to leave and took her picture after the victim identified his attacker as a girl 'in a red dress'. She was later identified and arrested by police.

In a statement the victim's father said: 'He was looking to pursue a modelling career, but he's now lost any confidence in pursuing that and he's very self-conscious of facial scars.

'The incident has traumatised him greatly.'

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