Frauen foltern Genitalien eines Mannes mit Zigarettenanzünder und Lockenbrennschere, bleiben überwiegend von Knast verschont

Frauen foltern Genitalien eines Mannes mit Zigarettenanzünder und Lockenbrennschere, bleiben überwiegend von Knast verschont

Three women tortured a man by pressing burning hair tongs and a cigarette lighter on to his genitals when they found he had dated three people at once, a court has heard. The trio also taunted the victim with a pizza cutter in what was described as like a scene from Reservoir Dogs. (...) The court heard Earles bit the man's ear, pushed his head down to his knees and used a cigarette lighter to burn the back of his neck, before threatening to suffocate him as she put a scarf around his mouth. She then ordered White to burn his genitals with hair curling tongs before pulling the chair back, causing him to fall backwards onto the floor.

The frightening escalation of the assault prompted White and Lilley to alert Teale, who was reputedly the ringleader of the assault and took part in the beating, but had retired to a bedroom before Earles upped the ante in a scene reminiscent of the bloody Quentin Tarantino film. (...) The four torture suspects were later arrested after the victim's step-mother called police.

So fielen die Gerichtsurteile aus:

Earles, of Scarborough, was spared a jail sentence because she had spent five months on remand and was 'clearly a troubled woman with a history of psychological difficulties'. She was given a two-year community order with supervision, ordered to attend the Women's Community Project in Scarborough for a 20-day course, and made to pay a £60 victim surcharge. Teale, of Malton, was jailed for 12 months for actual bodily harm, burglary and the handling offence. Lilley, of Scarborough, was given a two-year community order with supervision and 100 hours' unpaid work. White was also given a two-year community punishment and ordered to take part in a 16-day course at the Women's Community Project.

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel in der Daily Mail. Auf der Facebookseite der Zeitung fallen unter dem Artikel die Kommentare sehr unterschiedlich aus. Während viele Frauen die Tat als "Frauenpower" feiern und auch ein bei solchen Dingen nie fehlender Mann "Well done lady, he deserved" hinterlässt, sind viele andere Leser fassungslos:

If this was 3 males versus one woman their sentencing would have been very, very different. 2 years community service ... that's ALL they got?

The worst part of all, this is seen by many people as a form of "female empowerment".

What would a woman's opinion be if a woman cheated on a man (yes girls u can do it too) and the boyfriend and his two mates tied her up and shoved red hot fire pokers up her front.

Vor allem zu den Jubelbeiträgen unter dem Artikel passt eine aktuelle BBC-Sendung: Has Britain become hostile to blokes? Ich würde diese Frage allerdings nicht auf Großbritannien beschränken.

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