Drei Frauen schlagen Mann zusammen, weil er ihnen keinen Drink spendieren wollte

Drei Frauen schlagen Mann zusammen, weil er ihnen keinen Drink spendieren wollte

Das sind so diese kleinen Geschichten, die das Leben schreibt:

A police investigation into the beating of a man outside a Hudson Valley bar revealed that the victim was assaulted by three women for refusing to buy them a drink.

(...) The Times Herald-Record reports that one of the aggressors called the police, and the three women initially claims that the man had assaulted them.

But the investigation concluded that it was Elizabeth Condor, 19, Yomaira Brito-Santiago, 24, and Mariela Dela Cruz, 25, who instigated the fight by punching the man in the face after he turned down a request to pick up their tab.

The man was then chased out of the bar where the beating continued.

As the women began hitting him with their shoes, the bar's bouncer, 45-year-old Donald Atkinson, reportedly joined the brawl, taking the women's side.

All four suspects were arrested and charged with felony gang assault.

Setzen Sie für die drei Frauen "Feministinnen" und für den Rausschmeißer, der spontan mitprügelte, "Politik und Medien", und Sie haben die perfekte Analogie für die aktuelle Situation im Verhältnis der Geschlechter.

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