Dieselben Kämpfe auf der anderen Seite der Welt

Dieselben Kämpfe auf der anderen Seite der Welt

Das ist doch mal ein internationales Zusammenspiel: Zum selben Zeitpunkt, zu dem MANNdat eine Pressemitteilung zum Thema "männliche Opfer von häuslicher Gewalt" herausgibt, tut eine australische Männergruppe auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der Erdkugel dasselbe. Darin heißt es unter anderem:

"This Sunday is White Ribbon Day (WRD) and the start of the 16 Days of Activism to Stop Violence Against Women. However the 2005 Personal Safety Australia survey found that in the past 12 months almost twice as many men as women (808,300) were victims of all types of violence; twice as many men as women (485,400) were victims of physical assault; nearly a third of sexual assault victims were men; 864,300 men were harassed and 110,700 men were stalked. The same study found that men were almost as likely as women to experience physical violence within the home (half from females, half from males) and were just as likely as women to experience physical violence from perpetrators who were known to them. Yet the WRD campaign focuses solely on the prevention of violence against women by men.

An international coalition of professionals and academics has come out in unequivocal support of anti-violence initiatives, but is concerned that this annual spotlight on violence against women tends to conceal the fact that males are far more likely than females to be assaulted or killed and make up a significant proportion of victims of domestic violence. They are calling on the media to be aware that crime statistics, based on reports to police, are an inaccurate reflection of the extent of domestic violence within the community, as men who are physically assaulted by women are less likely to report it than are women assaulted by men ..."

Hier gibt es die komplette Pressemitteilung als pdf.

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