Indien, Australien, Europa: "Männer sind nicht wichtig"

Indien, Australien, Europa: "Männer sind nicht wichtig"

In Indien wurde vor kurzem ein neues Gesetz erlassen, das Frauen, aber keine Männer vor (heterosexueller) Vergewaltigung schützt. Der Australier David Cuspis kommentiert diese Entwicklung für A Voice for Men:

The ideologues in the Indian government deemed it necessary to deliberately and actively deny men equal protection under the law. We’ve already seen men in that country forced to the back of buses like African-Americans in 1950s America. We’ve seen them beaten up by members of the public and female police officers alike for accidentally boarding the "female only" carriage of a train. And now we’re seeing the government actively denying them equal protection under the law in sexual assaults.

It is things like this that make me marvel at how people can still believe in the patriarchy that feminists have always claimed existed. The government of a nation bowing to the unreasonable and unjust whims of feminists should not be possible in that patriarchy. Introducing blatantly anti-male laws that deny men protection from the same crimes as women is not the imagined feminist patriarchy, not by any stretch of the word.

Ausgehend von dieser Entwicklung spricht Cuspis über Erfahrungen von Männern in seinem Bekanntenkreis:

My best friend, a fellow activist, had a feminist threaten to stab him when he brought up men’s issues. That’s right, she threatened to stab him. Imagine the outcry if he had threatened to so much as slap her?

These vehement knee-jerk reactions from feminists across the globe are an instinctive, animalistic response. When an animal is cornered, it lashes out, and similarly the feminist movement is consolidating its forces and lashing out at any detractors who threaten to topple their ivory tower. Have you ever seen a legitimate human rights advocate threaten to stab someone for exercising free speech? Human rights movements have their roots in humanitarianism, not in the barn of Animal Farm.

(...) A good friend of mine received death threats due to a false claim of sexual harassment brought upon him by a psychotic attention-seeker whose advances he turned down. The same man was the victim of beatings at the hands of his then-girlfriend when she got angry with him for disagreeing with her very strong opinions.

Another friend of mine was taken to court over false accusations that were then dropped with no apology or compensation. The same man has been the victim of a botched circumcision.

Another friend of mine was savagely bashed by his girlfriend and raped by another woman whilst semi-conscious, and was ashamed to even talk about it.

These men have been told by feminists that it was their fault that they didn’t seek help for it. Yet no help exists for men. There is only one men’s rights charity in Australia, and they receive no support from the blue-pill government and Julia "Tu Quoque" Gillard. And when MHRAs try to start charities for the support of men, feminists – the very same feminists who victim-blame males for not seeking help – condemn these charities as misogynistic.

None of these men received any protection under the law, and now those horrible creatures in India that have the nerve to call themselves human beings are making it official: Men Don’t Matter.

Die Situation ist im deutschsprachigen Raum identisch: Staatliche Hilfe dafür, männlichen Opfern zu helfen, gibt es nicht, und wenn die Männerbewegung eigene Netzwerke hochzieht, wird sie als frauenfeindlich und rechtsradikal verleumdet. Politisch korrekt ist auch hierzulande nur eine Einstellung: Men don't matter – Männer sind nicht wichtig.

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