Häusliche Gewalt in Neuseeland: Wer seine Frau anzeigt, bekommt die Kinder weggenommen
Heute noch einmal Glenn Sacks:
Auckland police responded to a domestic violence case, where a mother seriously assaulted her partner in front of their children. The police advise the father that if he lays a complaint, then the mother will be taken away and the children taken into Department of Child, Youth and Family Services’ care.
The police appear reluctant to leave the children in the father's care, even though he's the victim of the alleged assault, with the result that the father refuses to make a statement, thus allowing the children to stay at home and the mother to escape the consequences of her actions. If the genders were reversed ... and the father was charged with assaulting the mother ... the police would have no hesitation in locking up Dad and leaving the children with Mum.
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