Nach Sex mit Teenagern: Täterin täuscht Krebs vor, um sich Verhaftung zu entziehen
A woman who portrayed herself online as a 16-year-old girl who was pregnant was arrested Thursday for engaging in sex acts with teenage boys, Phoenix police said.
Jennifer Dempsey, 35, is accused of contacting 14-year-old to 16-year-old boys she did not know through Facebook and then meeting them for sex acts, Phoenix police spokesman Sgt. Trent Crump said.
Dempsey told both victims she was pregnant and attended a meeting with one of the victim's parents, Crump said.
Crump also said for the past five years, Dempsey convinced her family she had cancer. She shaved her head, bought wigs and had a fake chemotherapy port taped to her chest to make it appear real, Crump said.
Police detectives discovered Dempsey did not have cancer, but used the claim to help avoid arrest.
"She used her cancer ploy to our detectives to try and stay out of trouble," said Crump. "She said this is the reason why she didn't engage in the sexual conduct because she was constantly ill from chemotherapy, all of which we learned in the following days, was not true."
Hier geht es weiter. Das männerpolitische Blog Toy Soldiers kommentiert:
This case is another example of why people should not assume women do not abuse children. While most abusers do not go this far to fool people, many female child abusers do use people’s assumptions to hide in plain sight. They do use people’s views about women to justify their behavior. They play to type, and people miss or ignore all the warning signs.
Police suspect that Dempsey may have played the cancer victim for some time. There may be other victims out there. Let us hope they come forward.
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