Öffentliche Bankrotterklärung eines britischen Richters: "Gerichte machtlos gegen rachelüsterne Mütter"
Nicht wirklich eine News (der Artikel ist vom 1.5.2008), aber bemerkenswert:
Lord Justice Ward attacked child access law after presiding over a case that saw a “vicious” mother falsely accuse her ex-husband of sexually abusing their child. He spoke out after telling the father that there was nothing he could do to help him re-establish contact with his daughter after his ex-wife turned her against him.
The man’s 14-year-old daughter, who cannot been identified, had been influenced by a “drip, drip, drip of venom” from his ex-wife, who wanted to deny him his paternal rights. Lord Justice Ward said the case was bordering on the scandalous but the court was compelled to act in the interests of the child. Because of her mother’s “viciously corrupting” influence, it would cause the teenager too much distress if she spent time with her father, he said.
In London’s Civil Appeal Court, Lord Justice Ward said: “The father complains bitterly, passionately, and with every justification, that the law is sterile, impotent and utterly useless. ”But the question is 'what can this court do?’ The answer is nothing.”
Diese Situation dürfte vielen deutschen Väter unangenehm bekannt vorkommen.
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