Indiens Oberster Gerichthof urteilt zugunsten von Vätern, die um Sorgerecht kämpfen

Indiens Oberster Gerichthof urteilt zugunsten von Vätern, die um Sorgerecht kämpfen

Two fathers fighting for child custody rights got the thumbs up from the Supreme Court last week. On Friday, a mother had to withdraw a petition trying to thwart a father’s legal quest for more time with his daughter. The apex court had weighed in on his side, directing the divorced couple to settle it out of court.

On the same day, in another case, where a father has been estranged from his son for two years, the Supreme Court directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to step in. The CBI has been given six weeks to find the mother who has gone absconding with her son. The apex court felt compelled to take this step since its repeated directions to state police departments on the matter had come to naught.

These two cases are quite extraordinary. For, the fathers involved have not allowed the frustration of repeated court visits to weaken their will. Instead, they have built up campaigns that have now found support beyond their home cities of Bangalore and Hyderabad.

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