Gerichtsurteil: Samenspender unterhaltspflichtig
A New York man who said he donated sperm to a female co-worker as a friendly gesture and sent presents and cards to the child over the years likely will owe child support for the college-bound teenager, according to a judge's ruling.
"Es bleibt eben keine gute Tat unbestraft", kommentierte dies sarkastisch die Anwältin des betroffenen Mannes.
Ein Vaterschaftstest wird übrigens trotz des Einverständnisses der Mutter gerichtlich untersagt:
Family Court Judge Ellen Greenberg ruled Nov. 16 that despite the mother's willingness to have the child's DNA tested, the man could not seek a paternity test to determine if he is the biological father because the results could have a "traumatic effect" upon the child, who is now 18 and lives in Oregon with the mother.
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