Rechtsstreit mit lesbischem Paar: Schwuler Vater muss deren Anwaltskosten tragen

Rechtsstreit mit lesbischem Paar: Schwuler Vater muss deren Anwaltskosten tragen

The millionaire gay father of a child brought up by a lesbian couple he donated sperm to must pay £20,000 to cover their costs in an extraordinary triangular legal battle between the boy's three parents.

The man - named in High Court papers as JF - helped the women have a child in 2007 but the mothers now say he is being too demanding over access to the seven-year-old.

(...) Today Mr Justice Mostyn - one of Britain's most senior family judges - ruled that in the absence of legal aid JF must pay 80 per cent of the mothers' costs as they continue to fight him in court.

Die Daily Mail berichtet.

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