Falscher Vater erhält gezahlten Kindesunterhalt nicht zurück
Die britische Daily Mail berichtet:
A man who paid out around £30,000 to the Child Support Agency (CSA) for a child he has proved is not his will not get his money back despite a promise that he would.
The CSA wrote to him twice saying that if he could prove he was not the father of the girl then he would get a full refund.
But now the 49-year-old has been told that even though he has provided a DNA test showing that he is not the father, he will not get a penny back.
Mr Carter said that he will continue to fight to get back the money he has paid out on the girl who is now 22.
A Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) spokesman said today: "If a person continues to make child support payments for year after year, the assumption has to be that they accept parentage."
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