USA: Mann verurteilt, fast 2000 Jahre Unterhalt zu zahlen

USA: Mann verurteilt, fast 2000 Jahre Unterhalt zu zahlen

Wo die Rechtslage absurd ist, werden auch die Nachrichten zunehmend absurder. Aktuell kam es in den USA zu einem Gerichtsurteil, das grotesk, aber immerhin nicht so schlecht ist, wie es in meiner Überschrift klingt:

A Colonial Heights man will no longer have to pay child support for a child that biologically isn't his and the judge worked out a unique deal for the $23,000 in back child support he currently owes.

Dwayne Parsons is off the hook for a child DNA tests show he didn't father. However, since Parsons signed the birth certificate, the judge is holding Parsons responsible for the promise he made 13 years ago.

In court, the judge explained that there are "certain aspects of the law that seems grossly unfair."

"Unfortunately the law is the law, my message to everybody is if you're unsure, about you being the father of the child, do not sign that birth certificate - that's a well lesson learned," said Parsons.

Parsons said the judge seemed sympathetic. He ruled Parsons won't have to pay nearly $200 a month in child support - instead, Parsons will pay just $1 a month, interest free.

(...) At $1 a month, it would take about 1,917 years for Parsons to pay his debts.

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