Britischer Väterrechtler verursacht Verkehrsstau von 15 Meilen

Britischer Väterrechtler verursacht Verkehrsstau von 15 Meilen

... und erzielt so mal wieder Berichterstattung in der britischen Presse. Ein Auszug:

Tailbacks stretched for 15 miles after computer engineer Geoffrey Hibbert scaled a gantry on the London orbital motorway at 7am and unfurled a banner with pictures of his eight-year-old daughter. The 48-year-old says he has been barred from seeing her since his former partner left last August, despite lodging several court appeals. He claimed to have received support from passing drivers for what was the first Fathers 4 Justice protest on a major road for four years. (…)

'I've got lots of support from motorists passing on the other side. I have had both men and women shouting their support out the windows to me. Even children have given me a cheer.'

Mr Hibbert has three other children from a previous relationship who he has access to. His friend, Ron Reed, said: 'He's been driven to desperation, he's been through all the courts to get access to his daughter and it's cost him 27,000. He last saw her in August last year and he's only spoken to her once. The courts are so geared to the mother, the father gets no justice and that means the kids don't get justice.'

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