Nach Protesten: Londoner Anti-Rassismus-Veranstaltung lässt Weiße und Männer zu

Nach Protesten: Londoner Anti-Rassismus-Veranstaltung lässt Weiße und Männer zu

Die Daily Mail berichtet:

A students’ union has been accused of racism and sexism after banning white people and men from an event to promote equality. Those studying at Goldsmiths, University of London, were invited to the students’ union meeting to discuss ‘diversifying the curriculum’. But they were shocked when an organiser told white people and men ‘not to come’ as it was only open to BME [black and minority ethnic] women.

(...) The ban on men and white students is surprising, since the organisers claim to promote ‘zero tolerance’ for ‘all forms of prejudice, discrimination and oppression’.

A senior union member told student newspaper The Tab that Miss Mustafa’s actions had made it ‘very difficult’ for male students. He said many white men felt they ‘could not say anything for fear of retribution’, adding: ‘For Bahar to have the nerve to write this is patronising beyond belief. The irony that she thinks that they are diversifying the student community in the name of feminism and multiculturalism is laughable.’

The event sparked a fierce backlash on social media, with one user writing: ‘Isn’t this racism – and why wasn’t she prosecuted?’ Another said: ‘Hypocrisy of the left ... When will people see it.’

Organisers later appeared to back down on the rules, with the statement ‘Allies now welcome!’ added to the meeting’s Facebook page.

Miss Mustafa recently graduated from Goldsmiths with an MA in gender and media studies.

(...) The Daily Mail tried to contact Miss Mustafa but she was not available to explain the comments apparently posted from her Facebook account.

Eine britische Anne Wizorek. In Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz würden ihr die Journalisten zu Füßen liegen.

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