Frauen-College an Columbia verweigert Teilnahme an verpflichtenden Programmen zur Erziehung zu sexuellem Respekt
Campus Reform berichtet:
The women of Barnard College — the all-women’s school affiliated with Columbia University — have declined to participate in the upcoming mandatory sexual respect education programs as the women at Barnard "don’t need it as much as Columbia students do."
As previously reported by Campus Reform, Columbia is expected to soon unveil a new, required sexual respect education program that students must complete in order to register for classes or receive their diplomas. Students at Barnard participated in focus groups and the drafting of the different sexual assault prevention programs — one of which would require students to write poetry.
Yet at Monday night’s Student Government Association meeting, Barnard’s Dean for Equity Amy Zavadil said the college would not be participating in the program until administrators have more information about it.
"Though people of any gender and all genders can experience and perpetrate sexual violence, it is rooted a lot in patriarchy and conceptions of gender," Michela Weihl, a Barnard student, told the Columbia Daily Spectator, Columbia’s student newspaper.
Das letzte Gerichtsurteil über eine Lehrerin, die zwei ihrer Schülerinnen sexuell missbrauchte (zehn Jahre Haft), fiel übrigens gestern.
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