Independent: "Weiße Männer sollten nie wieder gewählte Positionen an britischen Universitäten innehaben"

Independent: "Weiße Männer sollten nie wieder gewählte Positionen an britischen Universitäten innehaben"

Der britische Independent findet es problematisch, dass an vielen Universitäten noch immer auch weiße Männer als Studentenvertreter gewählt werden, und fordert ein Verbot:

We need to ban white men and their activism dilettantism from student unions. We need powerful women and minority ethnic people to bring their passion back to the heart of student politics. Being a student union president should no longer be a place for privileged whiteboys to swing their dicks around before graduating into a world that is in no way affected by what they claim to fight for.

More importantly, we obviously live in a world that looks favourably on white men. In order to bring about change in our racist and sexist society, it must start in our universities. If women and minority ethnic people were in positions of leadership across all universities in the country, we would have a diverse graduating class of future leaders in every industry.

"Oh but, it’s racist to ban someone on the basis of their skin colour, and sexist to ban them on their gender," cry the assembly chorus of confused souls trying to turn the language of progress into a weapon to further entrench the establishment. It’s not. You’re at university, go and ask a humanities professor. Learn something.

White men have had the last several millennia in charge, and it’s been a s***show from start to finish. A new generation of powerful women and minority ethnic people is ready to lead and change. It is time for you to bow down.

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