US-Unis: Männliche Studenten trauen Frauen nicht mehr

US-Unis: Männliche Studenten trauen Frauen nicht mehr

Die Journalistin Ashe Schow berichtet auch über die veränderte Gesprächskultur zwischen den Geschlechtern an US-amerikanischen Universitäten:

Thanks to an increased focus on sexual assaults on college campuses – mostly due to an overblown statistic claiming 20 percent of college women have been sexually assaulted – young college men are starting to rethink how they talk to women.

At first glance that might seem like a good thing – men learning to be more respectful of women and not be so rapey – but that’s not what this is.

This is about men actually avoiding contact with women because they’re afraid a simple kiss or date could lead to a sexual assault accusation.

Bloomberg reporters John Lauerman and Jennifer Surane interviewed multiple men from colleges like Harvard and Stanford who expressed concern over what was once known as a "hook-up culture" but is now labeled by feminists as "rape culture." The change in terminology ensures that all responsibility is placed on men, just because of their gender.

Take Malik Gill of Harvard University, who said he wouldn’t even give a female classmate a beer.

(...) William Pollack, a Harvard Medical School psychologist, told the Bloomberg reporters about a patient who was kissing a girl during a party and began thinking about what would happen if things went further.

"‘I want to go to law school or medical school after this,’" the student said, according to Pollack. "‘I said to her, it’s been nice seeing you.’"

Pollack also noted that the media attention to campus sexual assault has led to a "witch-hunt" mentality.

"Most males would never do anything to harm a young woman," Pollack told the Bloomberg reporters. But the current focus is "starting to scare the heck out of the wrong people."

(...) Joshua Handler of New York University’s comments brought up another interesting consequence of so much media attention: Having to talk to women in a very specific manner.

Handler told the Bloomberg reporters that he is now very clear about what he wants when he talks to women.

Because now, apparently, women can’t interpret conversations and need to be spoken to like children (my words, not his).

(...) We’re facing a cultural shift where soon men might be afraid to talk to women at all for fear of being labeled rapists. Without presumed innocence on college campuses, the only way this will be fixed is after universities have to start paying out millions of dollars to students after being sued for denying them due process.

And with the current landscape – that might not be too far in the future.

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel des Washington Examiner – eine Zeitung, die sich für die Männerbewegung inzwischen als ähnlich ergiebig erweist wie in Großbritannien die Daily Mail.

Auch die Washington Post berichtet über den wachsenden Unmut unter männlichen Studenten an amerikanischen Universitäten.

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