US-Universitäten: Bis zu zwei Drittel Studentinnen, ein Drittel Studenten

US-Universitäten: Bis zu zwei Drittel Studentinnen, ein Drittel Studenten

Das Gleichgewicht der Geschlechter verschiebt sich an amerikanischen wie an deutschen Universitäten seit mehreren Jahren. In den USA verschiebt es sich inzwischen derart massiv, dass die Studentenschaft bis zu zwei Dritteln weiblich ist:

While American colleges were roughly balanced between male and female students a generation ago, now most schools have more women than men. Some have many more.

Among our state’s public four-year universities, only Washington State University has gender parity. The University of Washington is close, with an undergraduate student body of 51.6 percent female.

After that it ranges from 52.5 percent female at Central Washington University to 58 percent at Eastern Washington University and 61.6 percent at the University of Washington Tacoma.

Among private colleges, the University of Puget Sound is 58 percent female, Pacific Lutheran is 62.3 percent, while Seattle Pacific’s student body is more than two-thirds women.

Nationally, 57 percent of undergraduates are women. And as the applicant pool continues to trend toward women, more schools are reaching the tipping point of having more than 60 percent women.

Mittlerweile ist das Ungleichgewicht so extrem, dass neue Geschlechterquoten eingeführt werden müssen – nur diesmal zugunsten der Männer und zu Lasten der Frauen:

Administrators think that once a school reaches that point it becomes less attractive to both male and female applicants. As one admissions director told U.S. News & World Report last year: “Even women who enroll … expect to see men on campus. It’s not the College of Mary and Mary; it’s the College of William and Mary.”

Which has led some – though none yet in Washington – to have lower admissions standards for boys than girls. They have, in effect, affirmative action for males, including white males.

An admissions officer of a small liberal arts college used a New York Times op-ed article to lament how she had been forced to reject female applicants who were stronger than male applicants, all in the name of gender balance. That fact hit home when her own daughter was applying to colleges and was wait-listed at a school that she should have been well-qualified for.

“We have told today’s young women that the world is their oyster,” wrote Jennifer Delahunty Britz of Kenyon College. “The problem is, so many of them believed us that the standards for admission to today’s most selective colleges are stiffer for women than men. How’s that for an unintended consequence of the women’s liberation movement.”

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