„Schwedische Frauen überholen dumme Männer“

„Schwedische Frauen überholen dumme Männer“

Swedish men are less intelligent, lonelier and fatter than their female counterparts. Boys have fallen way behind in school, and there are more women than men studying some traditionally male university subjects.

"In twenty years men's dominance will be broken and women will have more power in society. There will be more female CEO's and the wage gap will favour women," researcher Ingemar Gens told magazine Att:ention.

Experts have also observed that smart women are struggling to find common ground with members of the opposite sex.

"There will soon be a large collective of uneducated, low-paid men who don't have any friends, and are unmarried and alone - as well as uninteresting for women looking for a relationship."

"This is already happening, but the problem is beginning to accelerate. This is a huge danger for men," said Gens.

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