Aufstachelung zum Rassenhass? Jetzt ermittelt Scotland Yard gegen Diversity-Beauftragte
Der London Evening Standard hat News zu einem Fall, über den Genderama schon berichtete:
Police have launched an investigation into a students' union diversity officer alleged to have tweeted the hashtag "kill all white men".
Goldsmiths' University union's welfare and diversity officer Bahar Mustafa sparked a race row by asking white people not to attend an event on diversifying the curriculum.
A petition calling for her to be removed from her job on the union then alleged she used "hate speech" on social media.
She had previously defended her position by saying that minority women could not be racist.
But Scotland Yard today confirmed officers are investigating allegations about her posts on social media.
A spokesman said: "Police received a complaint on 7 May about a racially motivated malicious communication that had been made on a social media account. There have been no arrests and enquiries are continuing."
(...) In a response to the petition, Ms Mustafa, 27, acknowledged the use of the term "white trash" on an official Twitter account had been "not professional".
But she claimed the "kill all white men" hashtag - and other similar posts - had been "in-jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves".
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