Indien: Männerrechtler protestieren am Unabhängigkeitstag

Indien: Männerrechtler protestieren am Unabhängigkeitstag

Rage. That’s what one gets to see in the eyes of harassed husbands and men’s rights activists in the city, who, outraged by laws, which they claim are unfair, are now getting ready to voice their protest on Independence Day this year.

“We are abstaining from Independence Day celebrations this year to protest the unfair laws that favour women,” says Suresh, the convenor of the Chennai Chapter of the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), an organisation fighting for men’s rights and family harmony under the aegis of the Save Indian Family movement.

Men’s groups across the country have been protesting gender-biased laws in general and the Domestic Violence Act and the 498A, in particular.

Citing an instance, he says, “At present, Indian law considers adultery as a crime when committed by Indian men, but not so when committed by women. This is blatant discrimination against men. Also, Indian law exempts women from punishment for domestic violence. The laws have been pampering women by not according them any duties, while creating obligations for men. By this decidedly anti-male mindset of the law, men in India have started to feel that it’s perhaps a crime to be born a male in India.”

Die Times of India berichtet und beschließt den Artikel mit dem Satz:

It seems that men have finally taken the fight for freedom from harassment to the next level!

Kann man sich einen ähnlichen Schlusssatz in einer führenden deutschen Zeitung vorstellen?

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