Indien: Tausende drangsalierte Ehemänner demonstieren für ihre Rechte

Indien: Tausende drangsalierte Ehemänner demonstieren für ihre Rechte

New Delhi - A group of harassed husbands are to meet in the northern Indian hill town of Shimla Saturday to protest against domestic violence against men and the misuse of laws intended to protect women.

Men who are beaten up by their wives and have no avenue for redress or complaint, extortion of money through false dowry cases, cruelty to parents-in-law by wives, using child custody as a tool to demoralize men - these are just some of the issues that will be discussed at the national convention organized by the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF).

'We have organized the national convention on August 15, India's Independence Day, because we want to use the occasion to speak out about how more and more men in this country are losing their freedom and are victims,' SIFF member Virag Dhulia said.

'About 100 leaders representing organizations working for men's rights will be attending the three-day convention in Shimla. They represent about 30,000 members,' Dhulia added.

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