Indische Männerrechtler versuchen, Gesetz gegen häusliche Gewalt im Parlament einzubringen
The Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) which has taken up the cause of Men's Rights is seeking a private bill in Parliament to enact a law for protection of men from domestic violence.
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Indien: Männerrechtler Fordern Ministerium Für Männer
In the wake of the alleged suicide of an IT employee in Bangalore, Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) took up the cause of male suicides on Sunday when it held a candlelight vigil in the City demanding that the ‘draconian gender-biased’ dowry-related...
Indien: Männerrechtler Protestieren Am Unabhängigkeitstag
Rage. That’s what one gets to see in the eyes of harassed husbands and men’s rights activists in the city, who, outraged by laws, which they claim are unfair, are now getting ready to voice their protest on Independence Day this year. “We are abstaining...
Schoppe: "der Staat Als Gewalttäter"
Das amerikanische Justizministerium begeht den Monat Oktober als Monat zur Aufklärung über häusliche Gewalt ("Domestic Violence Awareness Month") – in Zusammenarbeit mit dem "Office on Violence Against Women". Gegen die damit nahegelegte Konzentration...
Indien: Tausende Drangsalierte Ehemänner Demonstieren Für Ihre Rechte
New Delhi - A group of harassed husbands are to meet in the northern Indian hill town of Shimla Saturday to protest against domestic violence against men and the misuse of laws intended to protect women. Men who are beaten up by their wives and have...
Studie: Verpflichtende Festnahmen Bei Häuslicher Gewalt Steigern Tötungsrate Um 400 Prozent
Requiring police to arrest anyone they suspect of minor domestic violence can lead to a four-fold increase in early death for their victims, research to be revealed Monday shows. A shocking illustration of unintended consequences, the long-term analysis...
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