Indien: Männer rufen am Frauentag nach Gleichberechtigung

Indien: Männer rufen am Frauentag nach Gleichberechtigung

August 26 is Women’s Equality Day. And this time it will see men crying for equal rights on the streets. Hundreds of “harassed” husbands, including IIT and IIM grads, engineers, doctors, lawyers and NRIs, will gather at Jantar Mantar on Sunday as part of the countrywide protest against dowry harassment and the more recent domestic violence laws. "We are all victims of these biased laws,” says Swarup Sarkar of Save Indian Family Foundation, the organiser.

Hier geht es weiter.

Über die fragwürdige neue Gesetzgebung in Indien hatte ich z. B. hier und hier schon berichtet.

Veja Também:

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