"Guardian" berichtet über indische Männerbewegung
Die Männerrechtsbewegung in Indien ist dem britischen "Guardian" einen Artikel wert, der die Argumente beider Seiten aufführt. Da das hier ein maskulistisches Blog ist und uns die Geschlechterdebatte in Indien nicht direkt betrifft, gebe ich hier einmal die Argumente der Männerrechtler wieder und verweise für den Rest auf den verlinkten Artikel:
Kumar's wife, Pratibha, a lecturer at a local college, had made a complaint under India's dowry law. The offence would allow for arrest and jailing of him and his parents without investigation.
(…) One men's organisation is demanding a ministry for men, arguing that 82% of taxpayers are men but that no money has ever been allocated for "male welfare".
(…) Sarkar, who works in marketing, set up the foundation after his wife filed a "false case" against him in 2002. "I know what it is like not to be able to sleep or work. We want only gender-neutral laws not one-sided ones." He talks of government data which show that 134,757 people were arrested under the anti-dowry law but only 5,739 people were convicted. He wants the anti-dowry offence decriminalised and the threat of jail removed.
(…) The first shots have been fired in India's gender war. There are about 60 websites committed to promoting the well-being of men in India. Men's groups say males are increasingly subject to myriad forms of subtle discrimination in the name of progress. Some groups cite job insecurity and unemployment as the problem. In the five years to 2005, 1.4 million men lost their jobs while one million women gained new employment.
(…) The Save Indian Family Foundation argues that, compared with women, nearly twice as many married men (up to 52,483) take their own lives - being "unable to withstand verbal, emotional, economic and physical abuse".
(…) The male lobby claimed a symbolic victory when the government of India observed an international men's day in November.
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