Indien: Männerrechte dominierender Trend auf Twitter

Indien: Männerrechte dominierender Trend auf Twitter

Current events on Twitter may come as a complete shock to many people. As of this writing, the number two trending hashtag on Indian Twitter is #StopMisuseofIndianLaws, which was launched to protest the treatment of men in Indian family courts, particularly with the manipulation of the Dowry Act, false allegations and legal harassment. The hashtag also targets discrimination against men in current Indian rape laws. India is regarded by many as one of the most discriminatory against its male citizens.

(...) What appears to be gaining the most momentum, however, from an increasing public concern India about the treatment of men, are concerns related to family law and rape statutes, which now include defining rape as having sex with a woman and then not marrying her, though the courts have also made contradictory rulings on this.

The timing of the Twitter trend in India is especially surprising. "The irony is that this is happening on International Women’s Day," said Anil Kumar of AVFM News India.

In fact, at press time the #StopMisuseofIndianLaws hashtag was second only to the Women’s Day Event on Twitter in India, a country which also has the most developed men’s rights initiatives compared to other countries worldwide.

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