In New Delhi, the Jawahar Lal Nehru University, which is popularly known as JNU, is a strong bastion of communists. Many of its professors have strong left-wing orientation. This place is also a hotbed of radical feminism. Khurshid Anwar, aged 55, is a former student of JNU and he a communist, who used to run a Non-Government Organization (NGO) known as the Institute for Social Democracy. He was a male feminist and just like other male feminists, all through his life he never bothered about false allegations of rape and their possible impact on the innocent men, who are accused. In fact, he may have even believed that the percentage of false allegations are miniscule or less than 2% and hence not worth any attention, which is the standard Feminist line.
After an incident of rape of a young women one a bus in Delhi, violent protests broke out in Delhi, as many people read in the international news. Khurshid Anwar, his NGO, and his fellow comrades organised many of these protests. Pictures in his Facebook profile show him leading one such protest and he standing next to the police barricade.
On 18th December, less than 1 year of the protests that Kurshid Anwar organised, he committed suicide by jumping from his building, after media started flashing news that he allegedly raped a young feminist colleague, working in another NGO. The alleged incident happened in the month of September in his house, where some members of an NGO had organised a party.
His dead body was taken to Communist Party headquarters in New Delhi. The communist journalists and feminists then started claiming “trial by media.” It is Indian communists and feminist NGOs, who had campaigned for decades for draconian rape laws, which leave no scope for an innocent man to prove his innocence during the investigation stage, let alone have the presumption of innocence. Thanks to these activists and their allies, men accused of rape are presumed guilty until proven innocent and they are degraded in media and sent to prison for months, after which they are released on bail as the trial starts.
Now, when one of their own comrades dies, the communists are in a tight spot. Given their political stands around feminism, they can not talk about misuse of rape laws or false allegations. They know, Indian MRAs control the “Misuse” meme and they do not want MRAs to prove their points. So, they started blaming “trial by media.” When they have championed for laws that presume any man accused of rape as guilty, then they themselves have given media the right to presume guilt and present the news story using that context. Needless to say, there were thousands of cases in India, where media has termed innocent men as rapists and monsters before even the trial started. However, the communists and feminists never had a problem with that. The Indian Supreme Court has also warned about trial by media and the harm it causes to possibly innocent accused. But, war mongering communists and feminists always opposed that argument.