"Wenn die Schöne das Biest ist"

"Wenn die Schöne das Biest ist"

Sylvia Griggs kommentiert in der "News and Tribune" (einer Zeitung aus dem US-Bundesstaat Idaho) das unterschiedliche Strafmaß für männliche und weibliche Sexualtäter:

I will give one example, but there are many cases, of bias against male sexual offenders versus females. A male teacher who had sex with three teenage female students was sentenced to 26 years in prison while the next day, a female swimming coach who had an “affair” with an 11-year-old boy and sexual “encounters” with two others got 30 days. Not only is there bias against male offenders, there is the mistaken belief that male victims do not suffer short-term and long-term trauma. It is egregious to think that boys suffer less harm when sexually abused at such a young age than girls. Children, boys as well as girls, are losing their childhood.

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