Analyse: Männliche Lehrer werden bei sexuellem Missbrauch härter bestraft
A Star-Ledger investigation has found that male teachers receive harsher punishments than female teachers when they are convicted of crimes involving sexual relationships with students. Experts credit the disparity to societal perceptions that young girls must be protected and are much more vulnerable than their underage male counterparts. (...) "There’s a general societal disposition that does continue to treat women as the gentler sex, so typically the threshold for sending women to prison is higher," Martin Horn, director of the New York State Sentencing Commission and a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told the Star-Ledger. Cases that highlight the disparity in sentencing include a Bergen County female teacher who was only sentenced to one year probation for a relationship with a 14-year-old boy, while a male teacher received a nine-year sentence after a relationship with a 16-year-old girl.
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