USA: Drei Lehrerinnen wegen sexueller Übergriffe festgenommen

USA: Drei Lehrerinnen wegen sexueller Übergriffe festgenommen

It seemed like a bad week for female educators in Utah — three of them appeared in court over charges of sexual misconduct with underage male students. For prosecutors, this is a simple matter. A crime is a crime. But for some people, the idea of a female teacher engaging in sexual activity with a boy does not strike them as criminal. (…)

Gary Searle, prosecutor with the Tooele County Attorney's Office, said stereotypes linger about males and females when it comes to sex crimes. "People just do not view males as victims in these types of cases, and it's especially true when it's a female victimizing the male," Searle said. "Some people say, 'How were you a victim in something every boy dreams about?'

"I think we as a society have, for years and years, said, 'A boy is a boy, and a boy does what a boy does.' We pat them on the back, we want them to be out there doing things as men. Our daughters we want to be treated as vulnerable and innocent." However, Searle said he has seen a slow change in this attitude toward boys and a greater inclination on the part of young male students to speak up, although they often pay a price for doing so in the form of ridicule from classmates. "I think we're being more open in society to the fact that juvenile males can be victims also," he said.

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