Offenherziger Roman aus Sicht einer Sextäterin spaltet die Kritiker
A controversial new American novel about a paedophile teacher who preys on prepubescent boys has divided critics, been shortlisted for an award and banned from some bookstores.
Described as a modern day Lolita, the book Tampa by author and professor Alissa Nutting exposes our double standards towards female perpetrators and male victims.
Nutting told Lifestyle Mirror: "Our culture isn’t accustomed to viewing males (even underage teen ones) as the sexual victims of women, and I find that very problematic."
The novel centres on Celeste Price, a 26-year-old sexual predator and high school teacher who abuses a 14-year-old boy. Nutting was inspired to write the book after a woman she went to school with was exposed as a female paedophile.
(...) Despite the controversy around the book, Nutting says that she’s received many messages from male victims who have thanked her for telling their story and spoken of the negative impact the abuse has had on their lives.
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