Studie: Feminismus macht es männlichen Opfern sexueller Gewalt schwer, sich zu outen

Studie: Feminismus macht es männlichen Opfern sexueller Gewalt schwer, sich zu outen

Das Blog Toy Soldiers berichtet:

When I write about feminist bias against male survivors, many feminists object. They claim that no feminists know are like that. Some of the bolder ones will claim no feminists harbor such biases at all.

However, when one talks to male survivors and their advocates, one hears a different story. It is common to hear about rape centers hanging up on male survivors, referring them to abuser treatment programs, or accusing them of being rapists. One will hear of rape centers lacking any services for male survivors, from counseling to pamphlets. One may hear of extreme cases of open misandry.

The back and forth between advocates and feminist can go on forever because no one has really looked into how the services actually treat abused males. Until now. Glen Poole wrote about a study that covers this issue (...) The study, An Exploration of Service Delivery to Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse, found that feminist-run and gender neutral services experienced problems with treating male survivors. (...) His findings match the complaints I mentioned on this blog numerous times: the perception of male survivors as abusers, failing to acknowledge female abusers, ignoring men’s specific needs, and treating male survivors as lesser or not "real" victims of rape.

(...) Sullivan noted that the “Vampire Syndrome” stereotype was born out of research on male sex offenders who reported experiencing childhood abuse. Many people, particularly feminists, then assumed that any abused male was at increased risk for becoming an abuser. Ironically, this narrative also prevents male survivors from coming forward out of fear that they are dangerous or will be labeled a sex offender. (...) Sullivan noted that feminist groups find that acknowledging female offenders conflicts with their core belief that only men commit sexual violence.

This can be seen on a broader level within the feminist movement such as when feminists play the “who has it worse” game, paint sexual violence as something only men do to women, or argue that the way to stop sexual violence is to “teach men not to rape”. All those ideas make it difficult for male survivors to come forward in a feminist space. As much as it irks feminists to admit it, their stance is inherently hostile to men, male survivors in particular.

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