Wenn Frauen angreifen: Die Hope-Solo-Doppelmoral
As the World Cup dominates headlines around the globe, soccer star Hope Solo has found herself in the news but not for reasons she or her fans probably hoped. Solo was arrested for allegedly assaulting two relatives. Solo becomes yet another high-profile woman accused of assault. Security footage reportedly capturing rapper Jay-Z on the receiving end of an attempted assault by his wife Beyonce’s younger sister, Solange, in an elevator became one of the biggest stories of the year.
Yet the footage didn’t inspire any serious discussion of inter-family violence. Instead it resulted in a lot of speculation—and jokes. Saturday Night Live produced one of its most inspired, and funniest, sketches in recent memory on the incident. But if the genders were reversed, would anyone be laughing?
"I think we do not take female abusers as serious as males," Dr. Michelle Golland, a clinical psychologist told me. Golland, who has seen female abusers in her practice, added, "This is evidenced by the fact they are less likely to be charged with violent crimes. If they are charged, females will not serve as much time as males. We see this across the board, whether child abuse, sexual abuse, teacher/student abuse, or any type of assault."
Hier geht es weiter mit Keli Goffs Beitrag im linksliberalen "Daily Beast".
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