Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Jungen und Männer Thema in Indien und in den USA

Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Jungen und Männer Thema in Indien und in den USA

Die “Hindustan Times“ berichtet über eine aktuelle Regierungsstudie

The ‘Study on Child Abuse: India 2007’ conducted by the Ministry of Women and Child Development acknowledges that child sex abuse takes place in schools — and how. One out of every two children in schools have faced sexual abuse. And overall, more boys than girls face various forms of sexual abuse — ranging from inappropriate touch, exposure to pornography or violent sexual assault.

Klingt zwar nach einer Studie, die wieder alles mögliche durcheinanderwirft, um auf hohe Opferzahlen zu kommen. Ich bezweifle, dass die Schädigungen durch das Blättern in Pornomagazinen mit denen durch gewalttätige Übergriffe gleichzusetzen sind, aber wenigstens scheinen für Jungen dieselben Maßstäbe angesetzt worden zu sein wie für Mädchen.

It has been proved that boys are equally, if not more vulnerable to sexual abuse as girls, says Ravi Karkara, the South Asia moderator for Save the Children organisation, which was part of the government study on child abuse. Karkara shares his own experience: “I was five when a family friend sexually abused me. My mother made sure that the abusive lady never came home again.” The scars of abuse remain with the child for a long time, he adds.

Gleichzeitig nimmt die Menschenrechtsorganisation “Stop Abuse For Everyone“ (sie widmet sich vor allem jenen Opfern, die normalerweise übersehen werden) die jüngsten Vorfälle in den USA zum Anlass für eine umfassende Presseerklärung:

Men and women, boys and girls are all potential victims of domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual assault and yes, even rape!

Although most of the mainstream calls the sexual assault of a teen girl by an adult male a crime, it’s often called “an affair” when it’s a sexual assault of a teen boy at the hands of an adult female… The media most often “reports” these crimes in such a manner.

However, take a moment and think about your 14 yr old son or grandson, imagine that he has reported to you that his 39 yr old female teacher had been having sex with him, would you reach for the phone to report the crime against him in the same way as if it had been your daughter being molested/raped by her 39 yr. old male teacher? Would you call your son’s molestation/rape, acceptable, while your daughter’s is not?

If your son was falsely accused of rape, and when he was proven innocent, still was not able to legally hold his accuser accountable, had suffered loss of reputation not to mention the emotional toll on him and the changes in his personality…and yet has no recourse, how would you feel as the parent of this young man?

If you are a man and you are falsely accused of domestic violence or sexual assault under the laws we currently have, you will find yourself exactly where these young men from Duke University are.

Man darf gespannt sein, ob diese Bewusstseinsbildung irgendwann auch in den deutschen Medien ankommt.

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