"South African boys often forced to have sex"
Schau an, der kanadischen Presse gelingt es, über die südafrikanische Studie zu berichten, ohne diese Berichterstattung ideologisch zu bereinigen:
Two out of five male South African students say they have been raped, according to a study published yesterday suggesting sexual abuse of boys is endemic in the country's schools.
The survey published in BioMed Central's International Journal for Equity in Health showed that boys were most often assaulted by adult women, followed closely by other schoolchildren.
"This study uncovers endemic sexual abuse of male children that was suspected but hitherto only poorly documented," Neil Andersson and Ari Ho-Foster of the Centre for Tropical Disease Research in Johannesburg wrote.
The findings underscore the need to raise awareness about the rape of male children and they urged further efforts to prevent sexual violence in South Africa, the researchers said.
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