Washington Post: Studentenverbindung für Männer klagt gegen Diskriminierung
After a series of scandals at fraternities on campus, officials at Wesleyan University in Connecticut ordered frats to admit women as members — or shut down.
(...) At Wesleyan, Delta Kappa Epsilon is fighting back. They’re saying the mandate is sexual discrimination, from a university that promotes tolerance. The local chapter and its alumni organization sued the Wesleyan administration.
At the heart of their complaint is the contention that Wesleyan not only tolerates but welcomes housing based on specific interests. Students are required to live on campus all four years and can choose single-sex dorms or special-interest housing, including the "Women of Color House," the "Light House" for Christian students, "Turath House" for Muslim, Arab and Middle Eastern students, and the "Open House," which describes itself as a "safe space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Flexural, Asexual, [We can't print this one!], Polyamorous, Bondage/Disciple, Dominance/ Submission, Sadism/Masochism (LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM) communities."
LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM? Im Ernst. Und Sie dachten, die Abkürzung "LGBTTTQIBDSMWAAAAH" in Ist der Feminismus noch zu retten? war Teil der Satire.
Das Wort in dieser Auflistung sexueller Minderheiten und Randgruppen, das die Washington Post sich zu fein war zu drucken, lautet übrigens "Genderfuck". Witzig: Das war der Arbeitstitel für dieses Blog, bevor ich mich für "Genderama" entschieden habe ...
Genug mit dem Gealber – weshalb genau fühlt sich die Studentenverbindung denn diskriminiert? Dazu hat die Washington Post eines ihrer Mitglieder interviewt. Will Croughan erklärt:
I thought I was attending a school that practiced tolerance of varying interests and beliefs. Unfortunately, as a member of a fraternity, I have found that this isn’t exactly the case.
(...) It is my belief that the wide majority of the Wesleyan student body appreciates having fraternities on campus, but certain members of the Wesleyan community have targeted us with expletives and insults on Facebook, Twitter, and multiple other social media outlets. Their arguments attempt to portray fraternities, including the DKE house where I live, as bastions of ‘white male privilege.’
(...) Wesleyan embraces every other student’s right to live with others based on gender, race, creed or sexual affiliation, but call it ‘brotherhood,’ and it appears that all goes out the window.
Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel.
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