USA: "Krieg dem Sex – oder knallen die Colleges einfach durch?"
Ron Laughery berichtet für die Nachrichtenplattform Daily Camera, wie der Kampf gegen "sexuelle Übergriffe" an amerikanischen Universitäten mittlerweile aussieht. Ein Auszug:
What allowed Adler to extract herself from this absurd charge of sexual harassment was her status as a faculty member with the shields of tenure and academic freedom to protect her. Ponder for a moment, though, that, without those formidable defenses, she might have ended up like many college students today who find themselves thrown under the bus by their University's Offices of Sexual Harassment with no due process and no chance for redress.
Take for example Joshua Strange at Auburn University who in 2011 was accused by a girlfriend of forcing himself upon her. However, the alleged incident had occurred after they had been dating for several months and she didn't make a formal accusation until after their acrimonious breakup months later. Strange was fully cleared through the legal system -- the accuser never even showed up in court. Even so, Auburn kicked him out of the university and will arrest him for setting foot on campus again.
How did that happen? Like CU, Auburn conducts "trials" of sexual harassment in secret without rules, procedures, nor accountability. However, in an audio recording of the Strange trial obtained by the Wall Street Journal, the lack of fair treatment and due process was frighteningly apparent. Standards of proof were arbitrarily changed and then summarily ignored. Strange's lawyers were forbidden to speak, much less question the accuser. No qualified legal experts were involved -- the committee was chaired by a librarian and included students, a staffer from the College of Liberal Arts and a fisheries professor. Strange got crushed.
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