US-Unis: Immer mehr Studenten agitieren gegen die Unschuldsvermutung
The anti-due process voices on campus aren’t bothering to sugarcoat their message anymore. At the University of California-Berkeley a few weeks ago, students protested the very notion that their classmates accused of rape should be treated fairly. At Ohio University the week before, angry protesters called due process for college men accused of rape "bullshit." At Penn, angry law students objected to the very idea that 16 of their law professors would go to bat for fair procedures in sexual assault cases. Last night, anti-due process voices dominated a panel discussion on campus rape at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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Immer Mehr Studenten Wehren Sich Gegen Vergewaltigungsvorwürfe
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Kalifornien: Feministinnen Wollen Stillen Sex Als "vergewaltigung" Ahnden
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