Professorin für Frauenstudien empört über Parodien auf feministische Plakate
Posters that parody a successful anti-rape campaign developed in Edmonton and now used worldwide are offensive and likely violate copyright rules, says a University of Alberta professor involved in developing the campaign.
The posters put up around the University of Alberta campus and possibly downtown this week use images from the Don’t Be That Guy campaign and change the text to send the opposite message, said Lise Gotell, chair of the U of A’s department of women’s and gender studies and an expert on Canadian sexual assault law.
"What they’ve done is they’ve taken four of the posters we created and they’ve manipulated them," Gotell said.
"These posters, I think, are quite troubling ... What’s been done to transform an anti-sexual-assault campaign into a rape-apologist campaign is just deeply offensive."
Hier geht es weiter. Dabei werden die fraglichen Parodien natürlich auch gezeigt – und sie treffen ins Schwarze.
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