Immer mehr Studenten wehren sich gegen Vergewaltigungsvorwürfe
Das linke Blog "The Daily Beast" berichtet über die wachsende Gegenwehr von Studenten gegen Vorwürfe der sexuellen Gewalt und erwähnt in diesem Zusammenhang Paul Nungessers Verteidiger Miltenberg.
According to an October 2014 profile on him in the New York Observer, he and his fellow attorney, Kimberly Lau, get "about 10 calls a week from parents whose sons have been accused, suspended, or expelled."
(...) Legal experts interviewed for this article say that may, in fact, be the next phase in national campus sexual assault reform—and they say the federal government is to blame. "I think the next wave will be students suing the universities. I think there will be an escalating wave," said Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Bartholet.
She is one of the 28 faculty members of Harvard Law School who signed a letter published last fall in the Boston Globe denouncing the university’s campus sexual assault policies for, among other things, infringing on the rights of the accused to a fair trial.
Several faculty members at the University of Pennsylvania Law School have also signed a similar public letter in response to the school’s sexual assault policies. The fears that campus reforms are violating due process for students accused are increasingly voiced and documented.
(...) "When you get things like the federal government pressuring universities to create a sexual assault process that lacks adequate due process for those accused, you’re going to get students trying to protect themselves," said Bartholet.
Under current campus policy, she believes "there’s the risk we will find a lot of people responsible for sexual assault when they shouldn’t be. That will lead to some of them fighting back with the help of lawyers against the university and the government. I think that’s a good and healthy thing because what the federal government has done is outrageous," she said.
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