Südafrika: Krankenhäuser werden Opfern von Genitalverstümmelung kaum mehr Herr
The Eastern Cape is facing a crisis as the number of botched circumcision patients continues to escalate in the province. Hospitals in the OR Tambo region report that they don’t have enough beds to deal with the increasing demand for medical treatment once a traditional circumcision is botched.
St Barnabas Hospital is one of the hospitals battling with the situation. The facility has run out of space, forcing officials to reopen an old and dilapidated psychiatric ward which had been closed for renovations. "Twenty-five patients are being accommodated here and more are being admitted every day," said Doctor Lonwabo Sibembe of St. Barnabas Hospital to eNCA. Nurses at the hospital say they are stretched as they try to care for the initiates and attend to other patients as well.
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