"Männliche Genitalverstümmelung führt zu Gehirntrauma"

"Männliche Genitalverstümmelung führt zu Gehirntrauma"

When it's inflicted upon females, the civilized world calls it genital mutilation and child abuse. But for males, the medical procedure known as circumcision is still widely performed and accepted (at least in the U.S.), even though science shows that snipping a newborn child's foreskin can cause permanent brain damage, particularly in the areas of the brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions.

A team of nurses approached Dr. Paul Tinari, PhD, of Kingston General Hospital in Ontario, Canada, to make him aware of something which they had been observing for quite some time. Many of the newborn baby boys circumcised at the hospital were exhibiting excruciating levels of pain so severe, the nurses reported, that the behavior of these children seemed to be changing in a tangible and possibly permanent way.

Hier geht es weiter mit Bezug auf das Circumcision Resource Center.

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