Progressive Rabbis heißen unbeschnittene Juden willkommen

Progressive Rabbis heißen unbeschnittene Juden willkommen

Dieser Artikel ist schon ein paar Wochen alt, aber relevant für die deutsche Beschneidungsdebatte, wo ja häufig behauptet wird, "die Juden" (als Kollektiv) sähen Kritik an der Genitalverstümmelung von Jungen als Angriff auf ihre Religion:

Many Rabbis are welcoming intact males into the Jewish community, and a growing number of Rabbis feel that surgical circumcision is no longer appropriate in the 21st century. Over 50 Rabbis, mohels and other Jewish leaders perform covenant ceremonies without surgical circumcision, and many more will do so upon request. These include Rabbis in the Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist and many other branches of Judaism.

Hundreds of thousands of Jewish males around the world remain intact. Most Eastern European and South American Jews remain intact, and many Western European Jews have ceased circumcision, seeing it as a barbaric remnant of pre-civilized times. Both Reform Judaism and Humanistic Judaism welcome intact Jews.

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