Student, der von Matratzenmädel an Pranger gestellt wird, verklagt Universität

Student, der von Matratzenmädel an Pranger gestellt wird, verklagt Universität

A male student is suing Columbia University for what he claims is its failure to protect him from harassment after a female student went public with allegations that he had raped her.

Columbia University student Emma Sulkowicz said she was attacked in her dorm room by a male friend. Two years later, she began carrying a mattress around campus in protest against the University’s decision not to expel the man she accused of raping her for her senior thesis, entitled 'Mattress Performance' or 'Carry That Weight.”

In a lawsuit filed in a Federal District Court in Manhattan this week, Paul Nungesser, a German citizen, said Ms Sulkowicz has repeatedly and publicly called him a "serial rapist," resulting in national and international media attention. He was cleared of responsibility of the rape by the university.

Mr Nungesser’s suit claims the University effectively sponsored his “gender-based harassment and defamation”. It says the University’s failure to protect him from harassment resulted in him living in “an intimidating, hostile, demeaning ... learning and living environment”.

Ms Sulkowicz has condemned the suit as "ridiculous", telling the Associated Press: "I think it's ridiculous that Paul would sue not only the school but one of my past professors for allowing me to make an art piece.

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