Hat Emma Sulkowicz ihren Racheporno verändert, um einem Prozess zu entgehen?

Hat Emma Sulkowicz ihren Racheporno verändert, um einem Prozess zu entgehen?

The website hosting Emma Sulkowicz’s much-talked-about sex tape has come back online after being out of commission over the weekend. Those paying attention to the site, however, have noticed that the video reappearing on Monday has received one significant edit since it was last available on Friday, which may be intended to avoid a lawsuit.

(...) In the original release, the camera footage showed a date in the upper right corner of each camera, making it appear the film was taped on August 27, 2012 (the date Sulkowicz claims she was raped by Nungesser). In the reposted video, however, this date has been blurred out.

(...) It can only be speculated why exactly this change was made, but the major possibility that springs to mind is that Sulkowicz is trying to avoid legal ramifications for the video. While the text of the website it is posted on claims the tape is "not a reenactment but may seem like one," the precise date it originally had is strongly indicative that Sulkowicz is in fact "artistically" trying to recreate the manner in which she claims Nungesser raped her.

Given that Nungesser has always strongly professed his innocence and has never been charged with any crime, it’s possible that making a thinly-veiled accusation in such a spectacular way may have been inviting a lawsuit from Nungesser, who has already sued Columbia. It is possible to commit libel through an online video that maliciously hurts a person’s reputation through false claims.

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