Schwangeres Model: "Ich trinke und rauche, weil mein Baby ein Junge wird"

Schwangeres Model: "Ich trinke und rauche, weil mein Baby ein Junge wird"

Manchmal möchte man meinen, die Jungenfeindlichkeit in unserer Gesellschaft geht ein bisschen weit:

A pregnant would-be glamour model who had a breast enlargement on the NHS has admitted she is drinking and smoking because she is expecting a baby boy, not a girl.

Josie Cunningham, 23, said if she knew she was having a son earlier, she would have gone through with the abortion she considered after being asked to appear on Big Brother.

As a result, the mother-of-two has turned to alcohol and cigarettes to get over her disappointment.

The former escort is now smoking 20 a day, even though she knows it will harm the baby.

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