Wie stark belasten Abtreibungen Männer?

Wie stark belasten Abtreibungen Männer?

In August, the American Psychological Association released a major report that shows a single elective abortion does not increase a woman's risk of developing mental-health problems. (See our coverage of it here.) Not a page of the 91-page document addresses whether abortion affects the mental health of men. The imbalance is hardly unusual: Research looking at how abortion affects the male member of a pregnant couple is scarce.

This week, however, two organizations are speaking up about men and abortion, and their intent seems to be to frame the discussion in a strongly antiabortion context. The Knights of Columbus and the Archdiocese of Chicago's Office for Evangelization-both staunch opponents of abortion-are wrapping up a national conference today that focused on the reported mental-health effects of abortion on men.

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