The claims of harassment came following a panel discussion, "Women Into Comics," which took place on Thursday night. During the panel Q&A, HBB founding member Alison Tieman answered a question from the floor in which she identified herself as an MRA and criticized feminism. "The reason why I don’t like feminism is because you promote this idea that women are defined by being victims. If you look at the content of all of your issues men also face considerable problems… and they need to be brought into the story and not just for men’s sake, but also for the sake of challenging the notion that women are defined as victims."
On Friday morning, as HBB were setting up its booth, it was approached by security and asked to leave the venue. "When we went in this morning, security came over straight away and told us we had to shut down," said HBB member Hannah Wallen.
The order to leave was particularly hard on Tieman who broke into tears upon hearing the news. Tieman, who has been working for seven years on her comic book series Xenospora, is now banned permanently from CalEx. "Alison is a woman in comics who has been banned from this event, Canada-wide, for life, because she is an outspoken woman," said HBB member Karen Straughan.
SPLC never called A Voice for Men a hate group. Never. Some years ago they wrote a report on "misogyny on the internet" and listed us and a bunch of other sites. In subsequent public statements, they made it absolutely clear that they never called us or the Men’s Rights Movement a hate group or movement, they merely didn’t like "troubling rhetoric." In 2014, the SPLC’s own Arthur Goldwag attended AVfM’s International Conference on Men’s Issues and in subsequent writing and interviews was emphatic: we are not a hate group. He finds us gruff and thinks we’re wrong about some things, but that’s all.
This is just the most recent incident of feminists turning against women who refuse to accept their groupthink. For the simple acts of participating in a panel discussion and hanging a banner at a booth, artist Alison Tieman has received a lifetime ban from all future Expo events throughout Canada. She made this video today, "Banned for not Damselling," but was hesitant to upload it. Please watch it. The story in her own words is moving, and contains this powerful indictment of modern feminism: "I haven't felt victimized until now."
I do not understand this tendency among feminists to lie about these kind of things. I realize that is a gross generalization, however, I keep seeing this happen. Feminists fabricate stories about what occurred, assuming no one recorded the event. In this instance, it was recorded, and it sounds nothing like a derailment. Alison responded to a direct comment about men’s rights activists, and the lot of them had a civil discussion on the matter.
Yet these feminists ironically set out to prove Alison right by "donning the all gowns of their victimhood" to accuse her of “derailing” their scissor-fest conversation. Not only have they shown that they have the maturity of middle school girls, they also banned a female creator from their tiny section of the community for not playing the role they set for her. That is censorship, and it is sure as hell misogyny. Nicely done, ladies.