Haben Feministinnen etwas aus dem Fall "Jackie" gelernt? Wohl kaum.

Haben Feministinnen etwas aus dem Fall "Jackie" gelernt? Wohl kaum.

Das männerpolitische Blog Toy Soldiers kommentiert die jüngsten Entwicklungen im Fall "Jackie", über die auch Genderama gestern berichtete:

There is no way to spin this: it appears Jackie lied.

(...) Jackie made a different assault claim following the alleged raped (she claimed four men followed her and threw a bottle at her face). The police found major inconsistencies in that story, and twice asked Jackie about the alleged rape. This was in the spring 2014, before Rolling Stone ran the article. There would be no reason for Jackie to refuse to cooperate, yet she refused to talk to police.

Again, I understand the objective reasons for assuming that it is possible that something happened to Jackie. However, all the available evidence points in a different direction. I think the reasonable conclusion to draw is that this woman lied multiple times, changing her story with each lie, and told other lies about different assaults. She may come across as believable, but we should consider the possibility that she is simply good at convincing people something bad happened to her.

(...) It will be interesting to see how feminists react to the findings. These are the same results we saw months ago when the Washington Post investigated, which prompted only petulant tantrums from feminists, so I suspect the response will be the same.

However, I could be wrong. Feminists supporting Jackie could develop a sense of ethics, decency, and objectivity. They could look at the situation and admit they were conned by someone who told them exactly what they wanted to hear. Or they could try to spin it as yet another example of oppression against women.

Okay: Erwartet irgend jemand wirklich, dass Feministinnen nach solchen Fällen plötzlich beginnen, ihre Herangehensweise an angebliche Fälle sexueller Gewalt zu verändern? Eine der ersten feministischen Reaktionen auf die jüngsten Entwicklungen stammt von der US-Senatorin Kirsten Gillibrand, die sich den Kampf gegen eine vermeintliche "Rape Culture" auf die Fahnen geschrieben hat. Gillibrands Reaktion sieht so aus:

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who is pushing for stronger laws against rapes on college campuses, today warned against people criticizing the woman at the center of a University of Virginia sexual assault case…

"Victim blaming or shining the spotlight on her for coming forward is not the right approach," Gillibrand said on "The Capitol Pressroom," a public radio show in Albany. "In fact, what we have to focus on is how do we keep these campuses safe? How do we have better trained personnel on campuses so they can tell a survivor what her options are and so they can have all the facts?"

Gillibrand said it would be wrong for some to call on the female student in the UVA scandal to face criminal charges.

"I think it’s inappropriate," she said.

Das Blog The Daily Caller kommentiert:

Punishing false accusations of rape would only discourage actual rape victims from stepping forward, you see. We must protect women, even if they’re lying. They’re victims because they say so, and we must not be swayed by mere evidence to the contrary.

Those frat bros probably had it coming anyway. If you think those guys are innocent until proven guilty, you hate women. Go ahead, deny it. That just serves as further proof of your misogyny, misogynist.

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